Our History

In 1947 a group of about nine men decided they would start an A.A. group in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. In the spring of 1949, it was discussed and decided by the group that they would like to have a place that they could call their own and have their open and closed meetings in more comfort because the potbelly stove at cabin #1 of Lincoln Park, where meetings were currently held, couldn’t adequately heat the building and the men and women had to sit at the meetings in their heavy clothing. So, on July 20, 1949, a meeting was called to nominate and elect officers to form and operate the Alano Society, Inc. of Manitowoc. The purpose of forming a separate organization apart from A.A. was in accordance with the traditions of A.A. At the September 3, 1949, meeting those officers of the Alano Society gave a general explanation of how to fi nance and build a clubhouse for A.A.

It was explained that some money would be borrowed for this purpose, but that members would need to show their sincerity by producing a financial method of helping themselvesto build and support this undertaking. “Pledge Cards” were used to support the project. The articles of incorporation and by-laws were all unanimously adopted during this meeting. On September 8, 1949, the building committee approved a bid of $10,350 by the Strate Construction Company as a site had already been donated by the city of Manitowoc for the building at 404 South 29th Street and the plans drawn by one of the members who was an architect had been approved by the city and the state. On November 4, 1949, the corner stone was set. On June 10, 1950, the first special open meeting in the auditorium of the clubhouse was held.

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